Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Amanda Hocking has sold over 900,000 books...

...since last April.

That's absolutely insane.

What's even more insane is she's completely self-published.

I haven't read any of the books (but I just might to see what the fuss is about), but from the descriptions, they're genre fiction. Now, that's not a pejorative; I like genre stuff. I say this because I continue to follow the self publishing thing with an eye toward going that route myself. But my finished novel is not genre fiction. It's literary fiction. If I had any proof that literary fiction could enjoy that kind of success, then I'd think about self-publishing even harder. Something tells me that it wouldn't be a bad idea to get out in front of the whole thing. Who knows.

Just for shits and giggles, I've copied in some sales numbers for ebook sales on Amazon for December. Very interesting.

These are DECEMBER sales figures for some indie authors. In other words, they account for only 31 days of sales.

Blake Crouch - 2500+
Nathan Lowell - 2500+
Beth Orsoff - 2500+
Sandra Edwards - 2500+
Vianka Van Bokkem - 2500+
Maria Hooley - 2500+
C.S. Marks - 2500+
Lee Goldberg - 2500+
Lexi Revellian - 4000+
Zoe Winters - 4000+
Aaron Patterson - 4000+
Bella Andre - 5000+
Imogen Rose - 5000+
Ellen Fisher - 5000+
Tina Folsom - 5000+
Terri Reid - 5000+
David Dalglish - 5000+
Scott Nicholson - 10,000+
J.A. Konrath 10,000+
Victorine Lieske - 10,000+
L.J. Sellers - 10,000+
Michael R. Sullivan - 10,000+
H.P. Mallory - 20,000+
Selena Kitt - 20,000+
Stephen Leather - 40,000+
Amanda Hocking - 100,000+

Part of me really wants to walk up to a publisher and invoke Amanda Hocking's name just to see if said publisher explodes.

Here's a link to her blog: http://amandahocking.blogspot.com/

What say you, writing friends? This could be the future staring us right in the face, n'est pas?

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