Monday, December 20, 2010

In which one man buys stuff he can't afford and then writes about it

Hi, welcome to Stuff I Don't Need, a blog I decided to start in a lame attempt to justify my desire to buy a lot of crap that I don't really need. This space will also serve as a means to keep me from doing the writing that I really should be doing. So it serves two questionable purposes. Thanks for being here to enable me.

In these "pages," I'll endeavor to write about the gadgets I buy or gadgets that I really can't afford but I want to buy anyway and offer up my voice to contribute to the din of others already going on and on about this stuff.

How will this blog be different than others? Well, not much, but maybe I'll be able to provide a viewpoint that offers at least a little different slant than the Engadgets and Gizmodos of the world. I'm not really a techie. I'm a terrible gamer, but I want to be good. I'm going on forty and like to think I'm still as cool as I thought I was twenty years ago. I'm a writer, musician, recording engineer and education professional who lives in the midwest. The only gadget stores anywhere near me are big box stores, so I'll be providing feedback based on what the average person can get within twenty miles of home. I like to think I'm funny. My wife usually doesn't agree.

So, that's the story. Without further verbiage, let's get started.

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